You know about the clitoris! It’s not exactly a secret. This tiny bundle of nerve endings is THE key to pleasure (ie. orgasms!) for many women/owners of a clitoris. So, you know that the almighty clitoris exists and that it’s down there somewhere just waiting for you or your clit vibrator. Great! However, that knowledge doesn’t automatically translate to knowing where the clitoris is or exactly how to find it. That’s okay! If you’ve ever wondered: where is my clit, or wondered how to locate your partner’s clitoris, we’ve got answers for you.
Now, when talking about bodies, and sex organs, specifically, it’s easy to fall back on metaphors and slang terms. When it comes to sexuality, we truly believe that it’s important to be clear, specific, and anatomically correct. That said, we might occasionally replace ‘clit’ for ‘clitoris’ throughout this article. It’s shorter, and you’ll know what we mean! So, with no further adieu, let’s answer the question of the hour: where is the clitoris located?
Female Anatomy
Before we get to the clitoris itself, let’s discuss the vaginal area as a whole. We often talk about the vagina as one single biological entity, but it’s not. The biological term ‘vagina’ actually only refers to the muscular tube inside the body. True story. Though several key components of female or AFAB (assigned female at birth) genital anatomy often fall under the vagina umbrella, they definitely deserve their own explanation.
The Vulva
While the term ‘vulva’ may not come up in conversation too often, it should! ‘Vulva’ is often what folks are referring to when they use the word ‘vagina’ casually. The entire external or outer genital area of a female or AFAB body is defined as the vulva. The term refers to the inner and outer labia, clitoris, the urethral opening (urinary meatus), the vagina opening, some external glands, and areas of erectile tissue on either side of the vaginal opening. The vulva itself is separated into individual components, which we’ll get into below.
There are two sets of labia or lips surrounding the vaginal opening: the labia majora and the labia minora. The labia majora are the outer folds of skin that you can usually see clearly and are where pubic hair grows. The labia minora are inside those outer lips. They’re often, but not always, smaller and have a different coloration than the labia majora.
Fun fact: the labia minora, or the inner lips, contain many sensitive nerve endings. Although usually not quite as sensitive as the clitoris, the labia are still very responsive to stimulation. Our point? Don’t ignore those inner lips! Give them some attention by playing solo, with a toy, or with a partner.
Urethral Opening
This tiny hole is extremely hard to see on yourself, so don’t worry if you can’t find it. It’s located above your vaginal opening and underneath your clitoris. The urethral opening connects to your urethra and bladder internally and is where urine is expelled.
Some clitoris owners are able to ejaculate, or squirt during sex or orgasm. That fluid is also expelled from the urethral opening.
This is the area located between the vagina and the anal opening. For most men, the perineum is easy to see and touch, but for many women, it’s much smaller. The perineum can be very sensitive for people of any gender.
External Parts of The Clitoris
First off, everyone’s body, genitals included, is unique. Some women and vulva-owning people have a clitoris that is easily visible, while other clitorises are a little more, shall we say, tucked away. That’s 100% normal!
The clitoris is usually about the size and shape of a small pea, but size and shape can also vary. Again, that is completely normal. Usually approximately the same consistency and color as your labia minora, the clitoris is surrounded by the inner lips and a tiny triangle of skin called the clitoral hood.
The area of the clitoris directly under the clitoral hood (it sometimes sticks out a bit) is known as the clitoral glans - this is the most touch-sensitive area of the clit, and the one you should be paying the most attention to.
The clitoral glans contain over 8,000 sensory nerve endings, which makes it super sensitive. In fact, some women don’t enjoy direct clitoral stimulation because of how sensitive it can be. The clitoral hood acts as a nice little barrier against over-stimulation, and many clitoris owners find that stimulating the area around the hood is more than enough in terms of intensity.
Internal Parts of The Clitoris
While most people think of the clitoris as just that super-sensitive external nub of tissue, it’s really much more than that. Internally, the clitoris extends up into the pelvis, running parallel to the vagina canal and urethra.
Think of the clitoral structure as a wishbone, or inverted ‘Y’ shape. Only the very tip of the single, vertical branch of that wishbone can be seen or felt from the outside. The rest of that branch reaches up internally, eventually anchoring to the public bone.
Extending outward on either side are the crura (think of these as the ‘legs’ of the clitoris) which are surrounded by erectile tissue called corpus cavernosum. Two elongated masses of more erectile tissue called vestibular bulbs lay below - these bulbs reach down on either side of the vaginal opening.
Clitoral Arousal
Erectile tissue got mentioned quite a few times above! That tissue is responsible for some of the sensations of sexual arousal, and almost all the physical effects of arousal. The visible (clitoral glans) portion of the clitoris, when aroused can have blood rush to this erectile tissue, causing the clitoris to become enlarged. When erect, this external portion of the clitoral glans has been known to grow by 50 to 300 percent.
As we learned above, much of the inner clitoral structure is made up of or surrounded by, erectile tissue. During arousal, when those tissues become swollen with blood, vaginal lubrication is triggered, increasing sensation, and this helps push (gently!) the clitoral glans out to be more easily seen, and felt, prominently. Thanks, erectile tissue!
How to Find Your Clitoris
Okay, enough with the science, right? You want to know how to find your or your partner’s clitoris. If you’re on a solo fact-finding (okay, clit-finding) mission, or are not already familiar with the landscape of your vulva, we’d recommend pulling out a hand mirror, or even a compact and taking a good look. Get to know your nether regions!
Remember when we mentioned that arousal can help make the clitoris easier to find? It really can. Set the scene, take your time, get yourself all hot and bothered. Have your partner help, if you're both involved.
When you’re relaxed and ready, gently feel around with a finger. Aim for the area where your inner labia meet. Using a light touch, make little circles or lines over and around your clitoris. Usually, you’ll know when you’ve found The Spot, as it’s very sensitive. You might feel a sudden jolt of pleasure, or it may even feel uncomfortably sensitive. If that’s the case, ease up on the pressure, take a break, or have your partner take over, maybe with their tongue!
If you’re on a clitoris exploring journey for your partner, please be sure to check in with them, paying close attention to their reaction as you navigate around the clitoris. As we’ve said, this area is extremely sensitive for most clitoris-owning people. Too much enthusiasm, pressure, or even sudden movements can throw pleasure off course, and feel less-than-great for them. That’s why it’s so important to really understand how to massage a clit or even how to use a clit vibrator properly.
Sex Toys for Your Newly Located Clitoris
By now you could probably teach a Clitoris Finding 101 course if such a thing existed. You know all about inner and outer clitoral structures, you know where the most sensitive area of the clitoris is located, and you know how to stimulate your clitoris or help your partner stimulate theirs. If you’d like to keep on stimulating, perhaps with a clitoral suction sex toy specially designed to please your or your partner’s clit, head on over to our clitoral vibrators category to scope out lots of sexy options.
Related Content: Vaginal vs Clitoral Orgasm