What Happens During a Female Orgasm?
Dr. Sunny Rodgers explains orgasmic responses, non-sexual orgasms, and how you may be able to experience better orgasms.
What Happens During a Female Orgasm?
Dr. Sunny Rodgers explains orgasmic responses, non-sexual orgasms, and how you may be able to experience better orgasms.
How to Improve Prostate Health
Dr. Sunny Rodgers shares natural ways to have a healthy prostate.
What is Female Orgasmic Disorder?
Dr. Sunny Rodgers explains anorgasmia and shares 6 ways to increase your chances of enjoying more orgasms.
What is Female Orgasmic Disorder?
Dr. Sunny Rodgers explains anorgasmia and shares 6 ways to increase your chances of enjoying more orgasms.
How to Get a Bigger Penis Naturally
Dr. Sunny Rodgers shares tips on how to utilize natural options to enhance penises.
How to Get a Bigger Penis Naturally
Dr. Sunny Rodgers shares tips on how to utilize natural options to enhance penises.
How Can I Improve My Erectile Dysfunction?
Dr. Sunny Rodgers shares facts on ED and solutions that may be helpful.
How Can I Improve My Erectile Dysfunction?
Dr. Sunny Rodgers shares facts on ED and solutions that may be helpful.
Asexuality, Bisexuality, Threesomes, Polyamory:...
Dr. Sunny Rodgers shares ways human sexuality is expressed.
Asexuality, Bisexuality, Threesomes, Polyamory: Sex by the Numbers
Dr. Sunny Rodgers shares ways human sexuality is expressed.
5 Sex Tips for Parents
Dr. Sunny Rodgers shares helpful tips for parents wanting to nourish a healthy relationship that encourages intimacy.
5 Sex Tips for Parents
Dr. Sunny Rodgers shares helpful tips for parents wanting to nourish a healthy relationship that encourages intimacy.