Anal sex certainly isn’t for everyone, true, but we can’t (and shouldn’t!) ignore the pleasure potential of butt sex, either. There are plenty of awesome anal sex benefits that some people may never find out about, simply because they were too hesitant to give anal play a try. Well, guess what? We think you ought to give that back door a chance!
PinkCherry is here to spread the good word about the seven benefits of anal sex and some fun anal toys you can try.
There’s Basically Zero Chance of Getting Pregnant
One of the sexiest health benefits of anal sex is that you have almost no risk of getting pregnant. Of course, we always recommend using protection for STIs or Sexually Transmitted Infection and pregnancy, since anytime there is sperm involved near or around a vagina, there is a chance, but the odds are significantly reduced with anal sex.
Still, unprotected anal sex can increase the risk of infection. Protection is also helpful since there’s a chance that a penetrating partner could get an infection from contact with fecal matter. Yes, even if you took a shower and cleaned yourself out very thoroughly. No matter how well you scrub, there are just some things that you can’t totally get rid of. Anal douching can help with the poop factor, but it’s not absoutely necessary.
In general, if you were to ask: “is anal sex is safe?” we’d say yes - if you do it properly. There are things you can do to make anal intercourse safer for both of you, like using lots of lube, wearing latex condoms, and always keeping the lines of communcation open.
You Can Have an Intense Orgasm
Did you know that it might actually be easier for you to orgasm through anal sex? And we’re not just talking about prostate orgasms either. Anal sex should feel good. To the question ‘does anal sex hurt?’ we’d say, as long as you and your partner take it slow, use plenty of lube, and know what you’re doing, no. Plus, you have pretty high odds of having an orgasm, whether you’re sporting a penis or a vagina.
Your anal canal is loaded with super sensitive nerves, which means that even light anal stimulation from fingering and rimming can be enough to bring some people to the edge. For people with prostates, the stimulation can be completely overwhelming. Usually in a good way, although it can be too much for others, so we recommend doing some experimenting with a sex toy yourself before involving a partner.
For vagina owners, the G-spot and A-spot are both bundles of nerves in the vaginal canal that can be indirectly stimulated in the anus through penetrative anal sex. You’re probably thinking “why do it indirectly?” The answer is that sometimes indirectly works better for sensitive nerves and could be your direct route to orgasms. Oh my, think of the pleasure possibilities!
Some people, by the way, have been wondering if anal sex makes your butt bigger? Short answer: no. We’ve got a whole article on that topic, if you’re curious.
It’s a Chance to Try Some New Toys
Have you always wanted to know what anal beads or a butt plug felt like? Or do you have your eyes on a new dildo that you think would feel really good through the back door? Well, there’s no time like the present to find out! We’ve got a great collection of anal sex toys for beginners and experts alike. Whatever floats your boat, you’re sure to find it in our catalog. And let’s be honest, trying new things in the bedroom can be oh-so-exhilarating!
Experiment with Something New
They say that variety is the spice of life. Even people who love their strict routines need something a little special every now and then. So, if you’ve been feeling bored being stuck inside during the COVID-19 lockdowns, anal sex might be exactly what you and your partner need to bring the sizzle back into the bedroom and into your sex life.
You Can Get Super Intimate with Your Partner
Although the entire act of sex is intimate, there are specific things that can bring you and your partner closer. For example, most people have already had sex during high school or college, but your partner might be the first person you’ve had anal sex with. That type of first is an intimate experience that they know you’re only sharing with them.
Even if it isn’t anyone’s first time, there’s a lot more trust involved with anal sex than other sex acts. Of all the sex acts, anal sex is potentially the most dangerous since the anal canal has such a thin membrane. Without patience, care, and attentiveness, it’s very easy to accidentally hurt your partner, and that trusting bond only heightens the intimacy of the experience.
The Taboo Factor
Society has an interesting relationship with anal sex, but bottom line, it’s something that a lot of people are into. Even still, anal sex is still something that some people turn their noses up at.
But going in through the backdoor has a certain thrill associated with it. When you feel like you’re getting away with something you shouldn’t be doing, it can set your senses on edge and make things even more intense. That totally applies to anal sex. Plenty of people enjoy the added thrill of knowing that anal sex is a little more ‘out there’ than most of society wants to acknowledge.
A Good Option During Your Period
Some people don’t mind a little mess, but if you’re one of those people who gets oversensitive down there when it’s that time of the month, or you just don’t feel like changing your tampon, anal sex might be the sexy solution you’ve been looking for. Who says you can’t still have some fun during your time of the month? Certainly not us!
Some people find that having an orgasm during their period reduces the pain associated with menstrual cramps. It can help relax the surrounding muscles and bring a temporary sense of euphoria by releasing hormones into your bloodstream, both of which can help you take a break from painful cramps. If having an anal orgasm is your Pamprin then we say, go right ahead, and take two!
Take Charge of Your Sexual Desires
It’s nice to know that you’re making the decisions about your body, right? Well, that’s especially true when it comes to realizing your pleasures. Satiating your sexual appetite isn’t always easy but exploring new areas of your body and knowing that you have the power to make yourself feel good is an amazing feeling.
Nothing is as good as knowing it was you who made you feel this good. Even if your partner is the one penetrating you or opening up to you, it was your idea, and now you can also see how great you’re making them feel too.
In Conclusion
Even if anal sex may never be the first thing on your sex to-do list, we definitely think you should give it a try if it’s something that piques your interest. You never know; maybe you’ll love it! Even if you don’t, having that experience under your belt (pun intended) will make you a better sex partner, whether you were giving or receiving. And, as they say, practice makes perfect. So, if your first time was a little bumpy, don’t be afraid to try, and try again!